Parvovirus 细小病毒

Diagnostic points 


Exposure to an infected individual is associated with a 50% risk of maternal infection and 17% to 33% risk of fetal infection. If exposed, a pregnant woman should have IgG and IgM screening. If the anti-parvovirus IgM titer is positive, the woman is presumed to be infected and fetal infection is possible. 


The fetus of a woman with confirmed new parvovirus infection based on positive IgM should have be monitored for fetal anemia with serial ultrasounds to evaluate for presence of hydrops and placentamegaly, and Doppler interrogation of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) for peak systolic velocity. Elevated MCA Doppler is concerning for fetal anemia. MCA Doppler studies should be performed every 1 to 2 weeks for up to 12 weeks after maternal infection.


New points 


1. Fetuses who had hydrops due to maternal parvovirus infection and required in utero transfusion may have an increase in neurodevelopmental impairment. 因孕期感染细小病毒导致的水肿胎儿,需要宫内输血的,可能增加神经发育缺陷的风险。

2. Routine screening of pregnant women for parvovirus IgM should not be performed.


Level A Recommendation 


Pregnant women with acute parvovirus infection should be evaluated for fetal anemia with serial ultrasound studies, including Doppler assessment of peak systolic velocity of the fetal MCA.
